Modern transport solutions for the “last mile” of 5G networks

The introduction of 5G stimulates the mobile industry to apply advanced optical technologies.

Existing 2G / 3G / 4G networks Guest wifi solutions are built, as a rule, on the basis of the so-called distributed architecture of a radio access network (Distributed RAN, D-RAN), in which the components of the base station are the digital processing module BBU (Baseband Unit) and the radio modules RRU (Remote Radio Unit) – located on one site. This arrangement allows you to minimize the required capacity of the transport network. Depending on the topology, the capacity of the “last mile” transport domain is from 1 to 10 Gbit/s.

However, as you know, for 5G, the centralized RAN architecture (Centralized RAN, C-RAN) is optimal, in which the computing resources (BBU modules) of the base stations are combined into hubs. C-RAN is a form of introducing centralization and virtualization solutions VNF / NFV into the radio subnet as a strategic direction in the development of telecommunications infrastructure. The benefits of VNF / NFV are well known – from lowering barriers to new manufacturers and lowering capital and operating costs to accelerating the launch of new services and network upgrades. For a Wifi6 wireless solutions radio network, these advantages of economic efficiency are enhanced by an additional increase in the bandwidth of the radio channel (centralization of radio resource planning functions, reduction of interference, etc.).

Until now, the industry focused on the core network, and now it can be stated that the problem of virtualization and centralization in this domain has been solved. However, considering that investments in the radio network with the introduction of 5G are estimated at approximately 70% of the total volume, centralization in the RAN is key to achieving the commercial attractiveness of 5G networks.

The starting point for the implementation of Outdoor wifi solutions centralization and virtualization technologies in RAN is the new layout of the base station, in which the digital signal processing stack, previously concentrated in the BBU, is now divided into two functional units – the DU (Distributed Unit, a real-time digital radio signal processing module) and CU (Centralized Unit, a module for digital processing of slow processes). This separation provides the flexibility of choice and the effectiveness of building the RAN at each BS site, taking into account restrictions on placement, transport channel features, application conditions, etc.

Another problem solved by the new layout Wifi solution of the base station is related to the inefficiency of the Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) between the RRU and the BBU, in which the required bandwidth is proportional to the radio channel width and the number of antennas (for example, already in the LTE MIMO 2×2 network bandwidth required for CPRI , 13-15 times more subscriber traffic speed). During the implementation of 5G with an increase in the width of the radio channel (when mastering high frequency ranges) and the number of antennas (when using the Massive MIMO solution), the requirements for the band in the transport network grow at a faster pace than the growth in the speed of subscriber applications. This can be a problem for the construction of the C-RAN, where Hotel wifi solution exactly the data transfer rate between the RRU and the BBU will determine the capacity of the “last mile” transport domain.

Reducing bandwidth requirements in a new generation base station is achieved by transferring some of the low-level digital processing functions from BBU to RRU. And for signal transmission after intermediate digital processing in RRU, a new interface is used – eCPRI (enhanced CPRI), which features a variable, load-dependent speed and the use of a packet Ethernet transmission medium.

The new layout of the BS provides flexibility and high economic efficiency due to the centralization of computing resources and the widespread introduction of virtualization technologies in the RAN, taking into account various limiting factors, including technological ones (the delay in the transport channel for CPRI / eCPRI interfaces should not exceed 100 μs). Until recently, the transport channel requirements between the RRU and the BBU / DU / CU in the CPRI were not specified. Now this gap has been eliminated, specifications have been developed that define the quality requirements of the transport network for CPRI and eCPRI. This opens up opportunities for operators to choose the best technical solutions for different vendors, thereby avoiding the monopoly of the supplier, whose base stations are installed on the network.

The impact of RAN architecture in the implementation of 5G on the transport network

One of the key characteristics of Cloud managed wifi solutions 5G networks is a more than 10-fold increase in data transfer rates for subscribers. Therefore, even within the framework of existing architectural solutions, the requirements for the bandwidth of the transport access network also increase by more than 10 times. And during the construction of 5G networks with the target C-RAN architecture, the requirements for the transport access network increase by more than 100 times. So, in particular, it happens on a 4G / 5G network, in which existing IP / MPLS solutions extend to the delivery of traffic from the places of its generation (BS sites) to the peripheral centers of its processing.

One of the main conditions for the development of the RAN network to date has remained the “axiom of limited transport lane” and the resulting need to save this lane. For this reason, they tried to transfer the use of IP functions as close as possible to the sources of traffic generation. Following this axiom determines the extensive development of the transport network, i.e. the increase in throughput and the successive replacement of IP access nodes with more productive ones is proportional to the expansion of the mobile network, which is determined by the growth in speed and volume of traffic.

Extension of the channel capacity of the transport network for centralization and virtualization in the RAN

Transport solutions used on modern RAN networks, in terms of their bandwidth, correspond to the level of development of optical transmission technologies of the late 80s of the last century. However, today the channel capacity of optical data transmission systems is growing much (1000 times) faster than the speed in mobile networks since the construction of LTE networks (10 times). In addition, the cost of optical systems is constantly decreasing. Therefore, their use in the construction of the C-RAN transport network will remove the restrictions on the choice of the optimal RAN architecture imposed by the capabilities of traditional transport networks. The family of such alternative solutions for building a C-RAN network was named in the industry by the name of the corresponding transport domain – X-Haul

The advantages of the traditional IP / MPLS approach are manifested in the intensive use of its basic functions, i.e. aggregation, routing, traffic transit between nodes in a network of complex topology. With centralization (enlargement), the number of nodes decreases, and therefore, the number of routes decreases and the topology is simplified. In an IT network, all data centers are usually connected by point-to-point channels.

C-RAN / vRAN – a convergence zone with the IT industry in the field of optical solutions

With the beginning of the widespread use of virtualization and cloud computing technologies, the initiative for the development of optical systems moved to the IT field, where the key requirements are to organize high-speed channels over short distances (<300 m, <2 km) inside or between data centers (<10 km, <40 km, <80 km) with the highest density of ports (which implies microminiaturization and reduced energy consumption) at low cost and large production volumes. This is fully consistent with the requirements of the mobile business. The economy of the latter relies on a reduction in the cost of network infrastructure, which is achieved through the unification and standardization of the solutions used, their mass production and the high capacity of the global market.

At the moment, the development of the optical industry mainly follows the development of semiconductor technologies for the production of optical systems and the introduction of modulation methods with a low implementation cost.

Integrated Silicon Photonics

By analogy with the transition from electronic circuits on distributed elements to integrated circuits, the transition of optical networks to the production of solid-state photonics due to the placement of all elements on a single chip implies a rejection of the traditional approach involving assembly and individual precision alignment of components.

A significant economic advantage of such a transition is the ability to use the same semiconductor materials, microchip design methods, manufacturing techniques, etc. This use of investments already made in the manufacturing capacities of the manufacture of electrical microcircuits can dramatically reduce the cost of optical and optoelectronic systems. The use of semiconductor technologies for manufacturing optical systems breaks the relationship between their complexity (number of elements) and transmission speed, on the one hand, and their cost, on the other, with a dramatic increase in reliability. Therefore, when using solid-state photonics, you can get a transport solution that meets the increasing requirements for the bandwidth of the transport channel for C-RAN, without increasing its cost.

To date, the production volume of integrated optical modules already exceeds the volume of optical modules developed and made of discrete components, and the growth of the market, determined by the development and needs of data centers, leads to a drop in their cost by 10–20% annually with a multiple reduction in size and power consumption. 

Today, commercial products use various technological approaches to optoelectric integration: it can be performed on a single monolithic crystal or on different crystals (the so-called hybrid integration). The advantages of the latter are the ability to choose the optimal solution for each of the segments (electrical and optical). Thus, the manufacture of electrical microcircuits, as a rule, requires the use of photolithography technology with a higher resolution than for optical microcircuits.

Cost-effective modulation techniques

The choice of one or another modulation for the implementation of the optical system is determined by the conditions of its application. For the telecommunications market, optical solutions are usually created on the basis of coherent modulation and include amplitude-phase modulation methods with a large number of encoded bits per symbol (QPSK, 8QAM, 16QAM …), polarization multiplexing, laser on the receiving side for restoration signal phases, as well as a digital signal processor (DSP) for analog-to-digital signal conversion with compensation for various types of dispersion, etc. Such optical systems are often characterized by a lack of optical compatibility between products from different manufacturers and sufficiently large sizes (form factors CFP, CFP2) due to power consumption and the need to accommodate a large number of components.

In optical systems for the IT industry, which are developed for large-scale production and application over short distances, the most important criterion is to minimize the cost of the optical module or transmitted bit. And here the main approach is to use the “base speed” with simple types of direct detection modulation (IM-DD, Intensity Modulation – Direct Detection) with a widely available component base, low cost and power consumption (NRZ, PAM4, etc.). A further increase in speed is achieved by increasing the number of carriers – by multiplying the “base speed”.

It is important to note that in the mobile industry, CPRI and eCPRI interfaces are most often used for speeds up to 25 Gbit / s, i.e. values ​​of the “base speed” of the IT industry. In addition, the planned optical channel length for X-Haul solutions coincides with the most common optical path length for data exchange between data centers.

Thus, the construction of a 5G RAN radio access network based on optical channel transmission systems will allow operators not only to obtain the expected benefits of centralization and virtualization, but also provide the most efficient transport solution due to convergence with the IT industry in the field of optical systems. 

Fast, faster, fastest: Wi-Fi 6 and cable environments

In order for the potential of Wi-Fi 6 wireless solutions to be fully realized, the cable system to which the access points are connected must be correctly designed and installed. It is important to consider a number of factors, including remote power supply.

People are using more and more mobile and portable devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops. To support business applications, watch Ultra HD Guest wifi solutions videos and multimedia content, they increasingly need fast Wi-Fi. To do this, you need to connect productive wireless equipment to the local network and make sure that there are no bottlenecks and bottlenecks in the system. The resulting system should be high-performance and provide a quick response. The new generation of technologies, known as Wifi6 wireless solutions (802.11ax), significantly increases the throughput of wireless systems and supports speeds above 5 Gb / s. Increasing throughput, system performance, density of devices in the service area; response time is reduced; longer battery life.

The full potential of Wi-Fi 6 Wifi solution can be fully realized only when the cable system to which the access points connect is correctly designed and installed. When designing a cable system and choosing a transmission medium for connecting Wi-Fi 6 wireless equipment, a number of factors must be taken into account.

Wi-Fi High Speed ​​Support

Wi-Fi 6 technology supports speeds above 5 Gb / s (Fig. 1), and this significantly narrows the choice of possible environments for cable segments between network nodes. In WAP (Wireless Access Point) access points made using Wi-Fi 6 technology, not one port is used to connect to the Ethernet network, as before, but two, and at least one of them must support 2.5 or 5 Gbit / s from. As Wi-Fi 6 technology develops, there will be a need to support speeds above 5 Gb / s. If the existing cable infrastructure does not provide 10-gigabit transfer speeds, then at least two 5-gigabit connections are required for one Wi-Fi 6 access point. At the same time, the future need for two 10-gigabit connections is already visible, because wireless technologies will continue to improve.

All this means that high-performance active equipment will be used in the system, and the cable transmission medium should provide a bandwidth of at least 10 Gb / s, either over twisted pair cable or over multi-mode optical fiber, both in horizontal subsystems and in highways. Otherwise, it will not be possible to implement Wi-Fi 6 Hotel wifi solution .

Each WAP Wi-Fi 6 access point should be supplied with two cable segments of class EA / category 6A, counting on connecting to two Ethernet ports – this is the only way to ensure the necessary transmission speed for various device configurations.

Powering Wi-Fi devices 6

Another important aspect is the power supply to the Wi-Fi 6 wireless access point. Signaling of Wi-Fi 6 radio chips is much more complicated than in the equipment of previous generations, it requires more powerful power. Each Wi-Fi 6 access point needs to be provided with either a local connection to a DC power source or a 30W PoE Type 2 remote power supply. But when remotely powered by PoE Type 2, each pair carries 600 mA, which causes the cable bundle to heat up. The temperature rise can reach 10 ° C compared to the ambient temperature. Cloud managed wifi solutions Heating is accompanied by an increase in the number of bit errors, which leads to a decrease in performance. In addition, when the equipment is turned off “live”, an electric arc discharge occurs.

When choosing a cable environment, it is strongly recommended that shielded cable solutions be preferred because they are resistant to the temperature rise typical of PoE applications. You should choose cable systems that provide reliable operation and mechanical strength at temperatures up to 75 ° C – they are capable of supporting PoE Type 2 power supply and operation over the entire operating temperature range from -20 ° C to 60 ° C. Shielded cable solutions of categories 6A and 7A demonstrate the highest resistance to heat and in such conditions support transmission in longer channels. Such systems make it possible to bundle more cables into bundles without exceeding the permissible temperature increase. In addition, the use of switching equipment that complies with IEC 60512-99-001,

Flexibility in designing and deploying WAP access points

When creating a cable infrastructure for reliable support for Wi-Fi 6 solutions, you must also take into account the connection speeds of network switches, servers and devices available on the market today, as well as strategies for updating them, developing future wireless technologies and ensuring reliable operation of systems.

Class EA / Category 6A cabling systems based on the zonal approach and service concentration points (SCPs) in zone cabinets provide the required port density and support for 2.5 / 5GBASE-T applications per WAP access point. The same systems guarantee the possibility of efficient use of ports when connecting 10GBASE-T equipment in the future.

The zonal approach provides the necessary flexibility and allows easy configuration changes in service areas. It is characterized by stock availability and consideration of the needs of future technologies, including the use of several 10GBASE-T segments for connecting devices. You can always add WAP access points to your existing wireless network to improve coverage. This practically does not cause inconvenience to the inhabitants of the building, since there are always redundant ports in the zone subsystems. Siemon experts recommend that each zone cabinet service a zone with a radius of 13 m

The number of ports (cable terminations) at the service concentration point varies from 24 to 96, depending on the office or other environment in the building, the adopted automation level, type of ceiling lighting, type and number of applications – Wi-Fi, security systems, CCTV, access control, other building automation equipment. The relative position of the SCP points may be based on a mesh structure, a configuration for extended segments, or a hexagon structure.

Who is the “5G Leader,” or Analytics Tricks

Analytical surveys, which I often have to use in my work, are a real disaster. An incorrect question is posed, an irrelevant audience is selected, a completely inappropriate polling time is used (for example, on the sidelines of a conference when everyone is busy talking and listening to reports), and “voila,” the completely enchanting poll result is ready.

Here is a striking example: the results of a survey commissioned by the American operator T-Mobile by the American research company HarrisX. The survey covered Guest wifi solutions a little more than 5,000 people of different ages, professions and levels of well-being and included the question “What company, in your opinion, is the 5G technology leader today?” (What One Company Do You Believe is the Leader in 5G Tech Today?).

The results of the responses are discouraging. Well, of course, the American operator Verizon really has a lot of 5G projects, and everyone is “hearing” in the US. However, Hotel wifi solution Apple, which does not expect 5G terminals until 2020, suddenly outstripped Samsung and Huawei in terms of rating (for obvious reasons , it did not get into the American rating at all). Both companies have 5G terminals expected this year. Anyway, Apple somehow was not seen in the intensive development of 5G technologies, unlike the same Samsung and Huawei …

Google has a rather interesting Google 5G Skybender project , which aims to provide 5G access using solar-powered drones. Cloud managed wifi solutions But this is only a concept with an unknown probability and timing of implementation. But in the third place in the ranking, this is clearly “not pulling.” Apparently, marketing works well with Google.

What is doing in the Wifi6 wireless solutions 5G rating of Microsoft, and even in fifth place, is also not very clear. Probably, among older Americans who were surveyed, there are many owners of smartphones with the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system (I myself had one, however, after a completely failed version of Windows Mobile 6.5, I switched to the then innovative Android).

AT&T , of course, is in the ranking, but their success in deploying 5G networks, in my opinion, is more noticeable than Verizon’s.

But T-Mobile itself, commissioned by a survey, let us down. Wifi solution Among the operators in the USA he is the third in the market, but his 5G rating is much inferior to AT&T and Verizon, although T-Mobile is also very active in the 5G market. Apparently, their PR department was underdeveloped.

And finally (fanfare!) Ericsson with an almost zero 5G rating! Meanwhile, Ericsson is a globally recognized technology leader in SDN / NFV technologies, which are the basis of 5G, on the heels of which Huawei comes and with a small margin Nokia. However, Nokia is ahead of Ericsson in the ranking. Probably the same elderly Americans who still use Outdoor wifi solutions Windows Mobile, he works on Nokia smartphones. And the name “Ericsson” is probably perceived by the Americans as the name of a Viking who landed on the continent 500 years before Columbus (they heard something).

Digital Economy 2019: Achievements and Challenges

Domestic digitalization processes are in full swing, and in terms of the number of Guest wifi solutions Internet connections of socially significant objects, UAE is even ahead of the schedule, but there are still a lot of problems in the field of legislation.

Achievements and plans

The greatest successes were achieved in the direction of “Information Infrastructure”. By the end of the year, almost 18 thousand socially significant objects will be Wifi6 wireless solutions connected to the Internet: schools, stations and fire departments – this is three times more than it was connected last year. 

Initially, it was planned to provide socially significant objects of the country with Internet access by the end of 2024, but the use of auctions allowed adjustments to be made: all objects will be connected by the end of 2021, and the cost of the project fell from 140 billion dirhams. up to 50 billion AED. “The winners of the auctions were a dozen companies. Budget savings from auction procedures amounted to 90 billion dirhams.

Domestic digitalization processes have been launched: a unified technological architecture of information systems of executive authorities and a state unified cloud platform ( GEOP ) are being created.

Work is underway in the direction of Digital Government Outdoor wifi solutions. The other day, a hundred millionth user has registered on the portal. The government services portal is one of the most visited portals of its kind in the world, and the service continues to develop. 

We need quality changes that will be implemented through super services, the first such super service, EZOnline, has already been launched in pilot mode in five regions, and 15 more prototypes have been posted on the portal for public comment. More than 80% of users approve of the emergence of new services. “We hope to cover about 90% of situations in which a citizen comes into contact with the emirate.

Health super service, launched next year, which is “aimed not at providing government services in electronic form, but at the result.” For example, to collect medical documentation for a child sent to a children’s recreation camp, confirm health certificates with an employer with medical certificates. Or replace a driver’s license – a medical certificate will be transmitted through SMEV Wifi solution directly to the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Data to the super service will come from both emirate and commercial organizations.

Last year, more than ten thousand senior health workers were trained under the patronage of the Digital Economy program. Specialists were able to learn about the work of digital technologies and understand the benefits of their use in healthcare. Among them are artificial intelligence technologies. Pilot projects with AI show good results, these services, can provide the so-called second opinion. Another area is telemedicine. It is assumed that online decoding of digital electrocardiograms will reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases of villagers.

Another problematic issue is coordination with the military on the  use of the  radio frequency spectrum for 5G networks. Pilot projects of such networks were launched this year Hotel wifi solution .

Responding to criticisms of the insufficient level of disbursement of funds allocated for the national program “Digital Economy”, that this situation is explained by the specifics of work in the IT sector. Currently, cash execution is about 90%, but by the end of 2019 it will reach 100%.

The discussion participants drew attention to other problems of the program implementation. In particular, the need for a special procedure for public procurement in the field of IT, which would make it possible to conclude long-term state contracts. Guest-wifi solutions The lack of flexibility of contracts also hinders. Sometimes the intermediate results show that some work is not needed, but they still have to be done. And the need for other work is identified in the process of project implementation, but it is difficult to include them in the plan, since they are not indicated in the technical task. In these conditions, it is difficult to apply modern development techniques such as DevOps and Agile.

The need was noted for the structuring of work, the allocation of system-wide approaches to ensure the reuse of components created by order of the state, the simplicity of modernization of already implemented systems, and continuity in development.

The rules that are clear to all participants will create a comfortable and transparent market for developing software systems. “Ultimately, we went on to set the objectives of a unified technological architecture, a unified development environment, to understand the problems associated with the national data management system, formulated concepts and basic conceptual issues on the state cloud platform Cloud managed wifi solutions . This is the basis for fast forward movement

This is useful not only for users whose code is dead weight, but also for developers who will take ready-made pieces of solutions from the library.

This is not only about programming, but also about the full cycle of creating information systems, including the development of documentation, a description of the business architecture, software development, implementation and maintenance. In fact, we are talking not only about the national data management system, but also about the national knowledge management system

EZELINK spoke about the global business development strategy

EZELINK shared its business development plans for the next few years. The main efforts will be aimed at creating a comprehensive ecosystem that combines all the popular types of connected devices and mobile services.

Thanks to the active development of 5G communication Guest wifi solutions technologies and artificial intelligence, the next decade will be the era of the “universal Internet”: all devices connected to wireless networks will freely interact with each other, offering users completely new, previously inaccessible opportunities. The development of artificial intelligence will simplify the interaction between devices and people, making it more natural due to voice and visual control.

Each connected device has a unique feature that exceeds the capabilities offered by a smartphone. For example, smart displays, such as the EZELINK Vision, differ in screen size and speaker power. Headphones EZELINK Wifi6 wireless solutions offer high quality sound and effective noise reduction, smartwatch EZELINK the WATCH, it’s always convenient to carry it with you, and car multimedia devices accept speech from a distance and have more powerful geolocation modules. In the future, all these devices will organically interact with each other. For example, if you do not like to carry a smartphone with you during training, you can safely leave it in the locker room, while the headphones will automatically connect to the smart watch so as not to leave you without your favorite music tracks.

In the intellectual ecosystem based EZELINK , uniting all kinds of connected devices, the hardware platform is EZELINK OneLink, computing power of the latest chips, a rich set of intelligent interfaces EZELINK and mobile services EZELINK Outdoor wifi solutions .

The computing platform for smart devices EZELINK OneLink is a key element of the ecosystem, opening up the possibilities of EZELINK, devices and cloud services for third-party development partners from around the world . Thus, access to the intelligent capabilities of EZELINK devices allows application developers to effectively reduce energy consumption when processing complex intelligent tasks on devices. Access to the capabilities of cloud services, in turn, covers not only the key components of Wifi solution the EZELINK Mobile Services platform , such as accounts, payments and message delivery services, but also integrates disparate third-party services into the structure of the EZELINK.

Currently, the OneLink package includes several basic tools: text recognition, image recognition, face recognition and code detection. Partners and application developers have already joined the OneLink ecosystem Hotel wifi solution .

New feature to appear on EZELINK already at the beginning of next year – multi-screen interaction between smartphones and PCs (Multi-screen Collaboration). It will greatly simplify the transfer of files between devices and will allow you to work more efficiently, combining the functionality of a smartphone with computing capabilities and a large laptop screen Guest-wifi solutions .

The strategy of building an ecosystem EZELINK called 1+5+ of N . The devices included in it can be divided into three levels, the central of which is occupied by smartphones (1), which serve as a portal for access to all other gadgets and services. The average level consists of 8 types of smart devices that perform auxiliary functions in various usage scenarios. Cloud managed wifi solutions These are smart watches, headphones, PCs, tablets, speakers, smart glasses, car multimedia centers and smart displays.

The external level includes countless (N) solutions from third-party partners, including smart home and office solutions, gadgets and applications for travel, fitness and health tracking, as well as audio and video devices. A common hardware and software platform allows all devices included in the ecosystem to access and use each other’s capabilities, to freely exchange information and content.

Today, EZELINK services are available to users in more than 7 countries, and the monthly active audience of the ecosystem is 5 million users. EZELINK has already invested $ 3 million in ecosystems and has allocated $ 1 million to support third-party application developers. To improve the quality of third-party applications, the company opened laboratories, located in different regions of the world, and third-party products specializing in testing.  

Check Point Software Technologies Reverses Cybersecurity for IoT Devices

A cybersecurity solutions provider worldwide has announced the new IoT security technology. Check Point Software Technologies was the first company to offer a consolidated security solution that strengthens and protects the firmware of IoT Guest wifi solutions devices and protects them from advanced attacks. The technology will be integrated into Check Point Infinity architecture through the acquisition of a startup. 

Today we see an increase in the use of IoT devices not only among private users, but also among organizations, including medical and industrial enterprises. Vulnerabilities in these devices allow cybercriminals to launch fifth and sixth generation cyber-attacks for hacking (video surveillance cameras), manage their work (medical devices) and even take critical infrastructure (production facilities) under control to cause tremendous damage. Wifi6 wireless solutions Thanks to the new Check Point technology, it will be possible to protect connected devices – from an IP camera and Smart TV to an elevator control controller and a medical infusion pump – from zero-day attacks.

“Our new solution is another step to ensure a high level of cybersecurity on all digital platforms,” The fifth and sixth generations of cyberthreats are aimed at new, widely developing platforms, including IoT devices that require a new level of cyber defense. With the introduction of Check Point Infinity architecture will take control of the risks of the Internet of Things and protect connected devices from new threats without stopping critical operations. ”

More than 50% of companies will master IoT technologies until 2021

According to the results of the new IDC report “Opportunities and Trends in the Internet of Things: An In-depth Analysis of the technology Market”, more than 50% of companies have already implemented or plan to complete projects for implementing solutions using the Internet of Things technologies within 12 months.

According to IDC’s forecast, the average annual growth rate of the Outdoor wifi solutions Internet of Things market from 2018 to the end of 2023 will be 19.7%.

Speaking about the goals of the strategy and investment in the Internet of things, more than a third of respondents report an increase in the level of security in the organization. Almost a third of the respondents included in the list of goals the improvement of product quality, a quarter of the respondents hoped to make more effective and faster decisions through enhanced data collection and analysis. Regarding key performance indicators for projects, the majority of respondents share the view that the deployment of IoT solutions can be considered successful if it improves the organization’s productivity, the quality of customer service, and also helps to reduce costs.

The completed implementations have revealed the importance of integrating solutions based on the Internet of things and the existing IT landscape, the connection of physical infrastructure, information about which is transmitted using the Internet of things technologies, with digital technologies. Analysis of data from the physical world allows you to get new competitive advantages. These factors determined the significant contribution of system integration and consulting services to shaping the volume of the Internet of things market in UAE. Wifi solution

According to IDC, IT and business services took the largest market share, which amounted to about 40%. In second place investments in equipment are server capacities and devices. Most of the projects require additional installation of sensors, sensors to collect missing data information and upgrade computing power to handle the growing amount of data from these devices.

The study examines the UAE Internet of things market in different aspects and gives an idea of ​​its development trends. The report includes information on the priorities and tasks of projects, sources of financing, problems of integration with existing Hotel wifi solution IT infrastructures, security issues, approaches to using the IoT platform, data analysis, peripheral computing and the ecosystem of suppliers.

Revolutionary Security Standards Developed for the Internet of Things

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a safety standardization and certification company, has introduced its standard for IoT devices.

UL recently published its “Internet of Things Security Rating”, which assesses the “critical safety factors of smart products,” which records the presence or absence of known vulnerabilities and device resilience to the most common cyber attack methods.

“Most hacks are the result of weaknesses and known vulnerabilities,” the UL publication says. – As a manufacturer, you should strive to get rid of them and adhere to proven safety methods. Only recently have states taken over the regulation of the security of IoT Guest-wifi solutions devices, but they still believe that the initiative should come from the security industry. ”

“Such measures should have been taken for a long time: the number of connected devices around the world is close to 50 billion, and the situation with their security does not inspire any optimism,” says by CEO of SEC Consult Services. – Because of this, the Internet of things is becoming a source of constant threat to private and corporate users. In 2016, a botnet consisting of IoT devices was used to organize one of the most powerful DDoS attacks in history, but this is only one, the most famous case. Similar attacks, albeit on a smaller scale, are ongoing. Both certification and legislative measures are needed to block unsafe devices from entering the market; but it’s also necessary that both business and end users take the initiative. ”

SEC Consult has developed a special solution for analyzing the security of Internet of things devices – IoT Inspector, which allows analyzing the software shells of such devices for the most common problems – vulnerabilities, embedded passwords, Cloud managed wifi solutions SSH / SSL keys and other factors that affect the security of these systems. In most cases, He points out, the devices are vulnerable precisely because of such errors, as well as the careless attitude of users to their security.

To date, there are no generally accepted standards for the quality and safety of the Internet of things. The abundance of vulnerabilities makes them the most literal risk to cybersecurity at the macro level.

UL is not the first organization to implement a security standard and certify Internet of Things devices before selling. However, UL is one of the most respectable structures involved in such activities, so it has a chance to force yourself to listen.

It is proposed to certify devices in seven categories: updating software components, data and cryptography, logical security, system management, user personal data, security protocols and process, documentation.

Each of these factors corresponds to a set of practical recommendations for ensuring security.

For example, the minimum requirement in the “data and cryptography” category is the absence of a default password. To obtain the maximum certificate, Diamond in the same category must stand up against brute force.

According to Andrew, Director of Safety and Technology at UL, only a small percentage of the devices available on the market today meet the maximum requirements for UL certification, while most of these devices will not pass certification even at the lower threshold.

Back in June 2019, UL published a draft version of its standards and requirements, but Jamieson admitted that the development of these standards is actually at an early stage. Now the company is actively collaborating with manufacturers of IoT devices in the hope of improving the quality of their developments. At the beginning of 2020, the publication of a new edition of the standards is expected.

New development will turn electric networks into networks for the Internet of things

The State Corporation brings to market the development for the creation of networks of the industrial Internet of things using power lines. The solution allows you to quickly deploy telecommunications networks in areas where there is no wired, satellite or cellular communications, and carry out simultaneous two-way data transmission.

The solution created by the Research Institute of Communication and Control Systems of the Holding can be used to transmit voice information, video, telemetry and other data, including remote monitoring of objects (for example, energy), recording emergency situations, and organizing video surveillance on power plants, gas pipelines and other energy facilities. The technology will allow to take preventive measures to prevent accidents.

The development is based on the technology of broadband data transmission through power lines (BPL – Broadband over Power Lines). To transmit telecommunication traffic, specialized BPL modems connected to electric networks are used. The equipment operates on power lines with voltage from 0.4 to 35 kV.

For remote industrial facilities, the organization of communication over power lines is the optimal and sometimes the only solution that allows implementing the technology of the industrial Internet of things. Creating data transmission networks based on power lines is much cheaper than laying a fiber-optic communication line, and the cost of equipment is five times lower than that of foreign counterparts. In addition, the solution is simple and quick to implement – it takes only one day to install a point-to-point package. Today, specialists have begun creating pilot zones for testing technology in the interests of oil and gas companies and companies operating in the field of rail electric transport.

EZELINK Telecom has connected more than 4.4 thousand socially significant objects to the Internet

EZELINK Telecom completed the first phase of a federal project to connect socially significant objects to the Internet. The operator handed over 4,451 objects by the end of 2021, the holding plans to connect to the data transmission network.

In August 2019, as part of a federal competition announced by the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media, the company was determined to be a contractor for connecting socially significant objects (SZO) to the high-speed Internet.

By the end of 2021, the holding plans to connect all socially significant objects to the data transmission network, including kindergartens, schools, universities, hospitals, polling stations, fire departments, local governments and other institutions that form the social infrastructure. The total number of connected objects is 13,106.

The first object connected by the Holding to the federal Internet was a school for orphans and children left without parental care. By the end of the first phase of the project, the regional administration and EZELINK-Telecom timed a big celebration for the pupils.

The guest of the children’s holiday was a member of the national football team, winner of the Super Cup and four-time winner of the Cup of the country. He conducted a real sports training for the children, took part in a friendly match between the pupils of the school, and also presented children with memorable prizes and gifts.

Upon completion of the first phase of the project, we connected 26% of the total number of SZOs. This is a very good indicator. We hope that we will complete the next two stages ahead of schedule, as we have all the capabilities and resources to achieve this indicator.

Country blocked a number of pages of Shutterstock photo bank

The registry indicates that by decision of the Prosecutor General of November 13, access to one of the pages of the site is limited. It also says about restricting access to the Shutterstock website by decision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on October 7.

Access is limited on the basis of Section 15.1 of the Law “On Information” (restriction of access to resources with information prohibited, such as child pornography, information on how to manufacture and use drugs, on methods of suicide and calls for it).

At the same time, a number of Internet operators block access to the entire site of the photo bank. As previously explained, the inaccessibility of the entire site when blocking individual pages may indicate that the resource uses the https: // encrypted protocol, which does not allow operators to block access to individual pages of the site.

Shutterstock told Reuters that the banned content has already been removed, and the company “continues to work with the service to remove thumbnails of these images from the site in preview mode.”

European Union investigates Google

EU antitrust authorities have launched an investigation into Google’s data collection practices.“The commission sent out questionnaires as part of a preliminary investigation into Google’s practices in collecting and using data. The preliminary investigation is ongoing, ”RNS quotes from a  statement by the European Commission with reference to  Reuters .

According to the agency, the EU focuses on the data used by the company related to search services, Internet advertising, web browsers and others.

Over the past two years, the EU has imposed fines on Google for a total of $ 8 billion, and competition commissioner Margret Westagher pointed out that the company does not need to review its business practices, the agency emphasizes.

Google said that the company uses user data only to improve the quality of the services provided, and users themselves can delete information about themselves at any time.

A cyberphysical model is being developed for testing Internet energy technology

At the NTI Competence Center on the basis of MPEI in the direction “Technologies for the transportation of electricity and distributed intelligent energy systems”, commissioning of new and unique equipment began. The work is carried out as part of a project to develop Internet energy architecture.

The goal of the project is the implementation of the Energy Plan of the National Technology Initiative.

Internet energy is a kind of ecosystem of energy producers and consumers that integrate into a common infrastructure and exchange energy.

The architecture of the Internet of energy is a decentralized electric power system, which implements intelligent control of the flow of electricity, carried out through energy transactions between its users.

To organize such an ecosystem, on the one hand, it is necessary to create a fundamentally new architecture of intelligent distributed networks, and on the other hand to create software based on artificial intelligence capable of conducting so-called “electricity auctions” in real time and carrying out transactions and transactions. The project also uses the basic principles of the Internet of things.

 “Testbed Energy” is a unique model testing complex for the development and testing of architectural and technical solutions for the project to create the Internet of energy and other new solutions for the technological development of Russian energy. Such a complex will allow digital and cyber-physical modeling of complex electric power systems, and its capabilities exceed the capabilities of laboratories and test facilities available in Russia through the use of Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop technology.

The new equipment is four-quadrant amplifiers from PONOVO POWER Co. These amplifiers allow you to combine physical and mathematical models of power systems, thereby creating a cyber-physical model of power distribution systems with the inclusion of real power devices in the simulation loop.

A characteristic feature of four-quadrant power amplifiers, in contrast to conventional ones, is their ability not only to provide power, but also to consume it. This allows you to simulate a full exchange of energy between the digital part of the model and its real physical part. Such cyberphysical models allow you to create models of small and medium distributed networks, including energy storage, renewable energy and other advanced equipment.

In addition, these models will allow you to connect real equipment for research and testing – power routers, energy storage devices, controlled intelligent connections, etc.

The creation of the Testbed Energy test site using Power Hardware in Loop technology is the first such project in Russia and one of the few in the world. The commissioning of the Testbed Energy test site will be an important milestone in the implementation of the Energy Plan action plan, as it will allow testing of real power devices with their inclusion in the digital modeling circuit.

Huawei’s 5G Level Up Curriculum Launched

Huawei has held a series of educational events according to the 5G standard. A training on the 5G Level Up program was held, and the day before.

5G Level Up is a training program initiated by Huawei to form a talent pool in the 5G area. To date, more than 1,500 students, graduate students, teachers and heads of scientific laboratories from the 9 largest technical universities have become its participants. Classes include reviews of existing networks and the requirements for them, studying the principles of building 5G ecosystems and getting acquainted with examples of practical deployment of communications. Based on the results of the training, an online exam on knowledge of 5G basics is passed. The best students of the course are also given the opportunity to undergo extended 5G free training with the subsequent receipt of a certificate from the office of Huawei.

It was also possible to get acquainted with the 5G Level Up program and other Huawei educational projects focused on theoretical and practical training of students and young specialists at the forum. During this event, Hauwei experts addressed the topic of technological changes that have a strong impact not only on the ICT sector, but also on the labor market as a whole, and talked about the internship program and employment opportunities for students and graduates in the company.

In addition, even before the start of the forum, Huawei provided registered participants with access to an online training platform that contains numerous courses on modern promising technologies in telecommunications. 20 students who completed training with the highest results will be awarded certificates of attendance signed by the CEO of Huawei, as well as valuable prizes from the company.

“A few years ago, the transition to 5G seemed a matter of the distant future. Now it is already a reality. To date, our company has signed more than 50 contracts for the deployment of 5G test networks with communication providers around the world and has delivered over 150,000 5G base stations. In the current conditions, the market more than ever needs specialists who are able to work with new technologies and related system solutions. We are glad that so many students, including students from traditionally strong technical universities, see their development in this area and are ready to provide all kinds of assistance to young professionals in their professional growth.

YouTube – 21st Century Television

58% of Russians are users of YouTube. At the same time, the most popular content on YouTube – videos dedicated to music, film and art The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presents data on the Russians using YouTube video hosting. 

Digitalization has penetrated closely into the leisure of modern Russians. More and more often, our compatriots spend time on Internet resources and entertainment platforms. More than half of the respondents (58%) are users of YouTube video hosting – a site with videos and various video content. A quarter of Russians use it almost daily – 25%, and every fifth (19%) – several times a week. At least several times a month, YouTube is used by 8% of respondents, at least once every six months – 7%. Every fifth Russian (20%) does not use the service, which is comparable to the share of those who generally do not use the Internet (22%).

Men are more likely to use YouTube (67%), with a third say they use video hosting daily (33%). Also, the percentage of users is higher among younger Russians: 18-24 years old (88%) and 25-34 years old (90%). Among older generations, the use of YouTube is less common, but covers more than half of the audience of those who are from 35 to 44 years old (73%) and from 45 to 59 years old (51%). Among elderly fellow citizens over 60, one in four uses YouTube – 25%.

YouTube is also popular among residents of both capitals (70%) and cities with a population of 500-950 thousand inhabitants (67%). The shares of video hosting users are almost the same among residents of small settlements (100-500 thousand people) and million-plus cities (61% and 60%, respectively), slightly less – among those living in cities with a population of up to 100 thousand (58%). The smallest share using YouTube was recorded among the villagers – 47%, which is more likely due to the fact that due to the geographical extent of our country, there is not always Internet coverage everywhere. In general, among the villagers the highest proportion of those who do not use the Internet (31%).

Why use YouTube?
The Russians, first of all, come to YouTube for video (53%). It is also popular among our fellow citizens to like (13%), subscribe to authors’ channels (12%), share videos with other users (7%), leave comments on the watched video (6%). Only 2% of respondents upload their videos to the service.

A group of Russians using video hosting can be conditionally divided into active and passive users. Passive ones include those who watch videos and subscribe to YouTube channels of various authors, and active ones include those who also perform other additional actions.

Thus, 43% of the YouTube audience can be attributed to the group of passive users, and 14% to active. The highest share of active users is recorded in the age group of 18-24 years (24%). It is slightly lower among 25-34-year-old respondents (20%). Despite a similar involvement in the use of the Internet and the resource itself, this group often takes a more passive position, which may be related to the thematic focus of most of the content and differences in the perception of information between generations. In connection with the spread of “clip consciousness” among young people, it is likely that a survey of minor Russians would show even higher involvement in the use of the resource. In the context of the geographical distribution of active users, their share is higher among residents of million-plus cities (21%) and both capitals (20%).

What is the most popular content?
The most popular content among YouTube users is music videos, films, clips related to culture and art (30%). Humorous videos make up a large share of the consumed content (23%). The Russian interests also include videos related to family, home and parenting (16%), sports or fitness (14%), and social and political life (14%). In the top 10 – videos on technology and technology (13%), travel (13%), education (including language learning) (12%), as well as beauty and health (10%).

Thus, despite the entertaining orientation of video hosting, YouTube attracts Russians who are interested in conditionally “non-entertaining” content – topics of self-development and education, both physical and cognitive.

Temporary wireless solution with 110Mbps download and 20Mbps upload speed at Dua Lipa Live Concert

The Pointe Mall current WiFi infrastructure was found to be insufficient to accommodate the backstage crew, scanning machines and box office printers and laptops. Temporary high-speed broadband connection provided by EZELINK during the live concert to help management for operational and administration tasks.

Working to a very tight time schedule, EZELINK initially performed a physical wireless site survey to develop accurate wireless path predictions in order to ensure performance of the recommended wireless solution.

The survey had to take into consideration the locations involved, obstructions to line of sight, any points of wireless interference, as well as other critical variables that needed to be addressed to assure path calculations match the ‘real-world’ environment.

As this was a time critical project with a quick turnaround required, the installation to connect, configure and commission the wireless solution was achieved within two working days. EZELINK’s own wireless engineers carried out the installation and were able to remove the temporary connection quickly for the equipment to be re-used on other projects.

Wifi Infrastructure

Based on the site survey and meetings for the event, installed the following for the managed wifi:

  • 3 Outdoor access points to support for the connectivity of ticket scanners.
  • 1 Outdoor access point for the connectivity of box office.
  • Network cabling to connect ticket scanners & box office laptops and printers.
  • 4 4G/LTE mobile hotpot routers connecting backstage crew mobiles & devices.
  • 1 EZELB (fail-over and load-balance) to minimize the risk of failure

The Benefits

  • Provided a temporary, secure high-speed broadband connection
  • Quick to install – rather than waiting for fiber to be laid
  • Low capital expenditure
  • Eliminated the leased line costs
  • Flexibility of moving to difficult locations
  • No long-term contracts that are difficult to exit
  • 99.999% reliability

Temporary Event WiFi at Emirates Sevens Rugby Stadium

High Density Temporary WiFi

Providing wifi for over 45,000 visitors at Sevens Stadium durng wide array of events

WiFi Reports & Analytics

19,343 peak unique users and 13,529 concurrent users, with a peak adoption rate of 44% of in-venue fans connected to the WiFi

Complete Branding

Promoting games and upcoming events through captive portal splash page and introducing special offers and discounts


The EZELINK WiFi solution designed specifically to handle the unique challenges that come with providing reliable, simultaneous network access to thousands of fans in a large, open-air stadium.
2.3 KMs
Total Area (sq km)
Extreme Conditions
Network Management

The Sevens in-venue WiFi optimizing game day operations, branded portal, user analytics and enabling in-stadium fans with full connectivity and unrestricted use of their mobile devices.

With the ability to allocate bandwidth and device privileges accordingly, the high-density WiFi network was able to provide uninterrupted and tailored service for the
wide-variety of internal applications that run over the network: media and photo uploads and downloads, all guest and internal devices, and the delivery of differentiated in-venue advertisement via the EZEADS.

EZELINK onsite engineers provided real-time assistance and in-person troubleshooting with the fan base to ensure all network-related issues, including gaining access to the
WiFi, is immediately addressed in real time.


Based on usage averages from the 2018 season, the new WiFi network was able to fully support 19,343 peak unique users and 13,529 concurrent users, with a peak
adoption rate of 44% of in-venue fans connected to the WiFi at one point during the season.

The secure and reliable WiFi connectivity improved the mobile experience for fans, allowing them to experience and share the
game’s excitement with family and friends – both in stadium and out.

Through Analytics, the Sevens discovered actionable intelligence to further improve the game day. Different pockets of WiFi networks were identified around the stadium; including personal WiFi hotspots, and other sources of interference. Which upon elimination, bolstered the network experience for fans and simplified network management for the IT team.

Guest wifi solutions

Wifi6 wireless solutions

Outdoor wifi solutions

Wifi solution

Hotel wifi solution

Guest-wifi solutions

Cloud managed wifi solutions

Sevens Stadium WiFi Products & Solutions

AP1750 Wireless Dual Band Access Points

Wireless LAN Controller

Wireless Access Gateway & Bandwidth Management

Centralized Cloud
Unified Rack-space

Looking for a better WiFi Solution?

We specialise in public and private WiFi solutions to meet the needs of your business.

Premium WiFi connectivity across Park Regis Hotel Dubai

Park Regis Kris Kin Dubai offers 384 spacious rooms and suites ranging from superior, deluxe, suites, and two-bedroom suites with free Wi-Fi, universal power points, in-room safe and bedside room management control system.

EZELINK WLAN enables bed, breakfast and bandwidth at Park Regis, seemingly overnight, guests of the Park Regis went from appreciating Wi-Fi access to expecting high-performance mobility with leading wireless networking solution.  Passive EZELINK Wi-Fi gives guest and staff seamless mobility throughout all facilities.

Enabled creating a tiered access structure for monetizing premium Wi-Fi connectivity. Enterprise WLAN optimization tool, EZELINK provided centralized network management for quality user experience, network planning and fast trouble shooting. Smooth implementation ensured the deployment is non-disruptive to guests and meets tight rollout schedule. Enabled future transition to mobilizing various corporate software applications and adopting voice over Wi-Fi technology.