EZELINK Telecom completed the first phase of a federal project to connect socially significant objects to the Internet. The operator handed over 4,451 objects by the end of 2021, the holding plans to connect to the data transmission network.
In August 2019, as part of a federal competition announced by the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media, the company was determined to be a contractor for connecting socially significant objects (SZO) to the high-speed Internet.
By the end of 2021, the holding plans to connect all socially significant objects to the data transmission network, including kindergartens, schools, universities, hospitals, polling stations, fire departments, local governments and other institutions that form the social infrastructure. The total number of connected objects is 13,106.
The first object connected by the Holding to the federal Internet was a school for orphans and children left without parental care. By the end of the first phase of the project, the regional administration and EZELINK-Telecom timed a big celebration for the pupils.
The guest of the children’s holiday was a member of the national football team, winner of the Super Cup and four-time winner of the Cup of the country. He conducted a real sports training for the children, took part in a friendly match between the pupils of the school, and also presented children with memorable prizes and gifts.
Upon completion of the first phase of the project, we connected 26% of the total number of SZOs. This is a very good indicator. We hope that we will complete the next two stages ahead of schedule, as we have all the capabilities and resources to achieve this indicator.
Country blocked a number of pages of Shutterstock photo bank
The registry indicates that by decision of the Prosecutor General of November 13, access to one of the pages of the site is limited. It also says about restricting access to the Shutterstock website by decision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on October 7.
Access is limited on the basis of Section 15.1 of the Law “On Information” (restriction of access to resources with information prohibited, such as child pornography, information on how to manufacture and use drugs, on methods of suicide and calls for it).
At the same time, a number of Internet operators block access to the entire site of the photo bank. As previously explained, the inaccessibility of the entire site when blocking individual pages may indicate that the resource uses the https: // encrypted protocol, which does not allow operators to block access to individual pages of the site.
Shutterstock told Reuters that the banned content has already been removed, and the company “continues to work with the service to remove thumbnails of these images from the site in preview mode.”
European Union investigates Google
EU antitrust authorities have launched an investigation into Google’s data collection practices.“The commission sent out questionnaires as part of a preliminary investigation into Google’s practices in collecting and using data. The preliminary investigation is ongoing, ”RNS quotes from a statement by the European Commission with reference to Reuters .
According to the agency, the EU focuses on the data used by the company related to search services, Internet advertising, web browsers and others.
Over the past two years, the EU has imposed fines on Google for a total of $ 8 billion, and competition commissioner Margret Westagher pointed out that the company does not need to review its business practices, the agency emphasizes.
Google said that the company uses user data only to improve the quality of the services provided, and users themselves can delete information about themselves at any time.
A cyberphysical model is being developed for testing Internet energy technology
At the NTI Competence Center on the basis of MPEI in the direction “Technologies for the transportation of electricity and distributed intelligent energy systems”, commissioning of new and unique equipment began. The work is carried out as part of a project to develop Internet energy architecture.
The goal of the project is the implementation of the Energy Plan of the National Technology Initiative.
Internet energy is a kind of ecosystem of energy producers and consumers that integrate into a common infrastructure and exchange energy.
The architecture of the Internet of energy is a decentralized electric power system, which implements intelligent control of the flow of electricity, carried out through energy transactions between its users.
To organize such an ecosystem, on the one hand, it is necessary to create a fundamentally new architecture of intelligent distributed networks, and on the other hand to create software based on artificial intelligence capable of conducting so-called “electricity auctions” in real time and carrying out transactions and transactions. The project also uses the basic principles of the Internet of things.
“Testbed Energy” is a unique model testing complex for the development and testing of architectural and technical solutions for the project to create the Internet of energy and other new solutions for the technological development of Russian energy. Such a complex will allow digital and cyber-physical modeling of complex electric power systems, and its capabilities exceed the capabilities of laboratories and test facilities available in Russia through the use of Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop technology.
The new equipment is four-quadrant amplifiers from PONOVO POWER Co. These amplifiers allow you to combine physical and mathematical models of power systems, thereby creating a cyber-physical model of power distribution systems with the inclusion of real power devices in the simulation loop.
A characteristic feature of four-quadrant power amplifiers, in contrast to conventional ones, is their ability not only to provide power, but also to consume it. This allows you to simulate a full exchange of energy between the digital part of the model and its real physical part. Such cyberphysical models allow you to create models of small and medium distributed networks, including energy storage, renewable energy and other advanced equipment.
In addition, these models will allow you to connect real equipment for research and testing – power routers, energy storage devices, controlled intelligent connections, etc.
The creation of the Testbed Energy test site using Power Hardware in Loop technology is the first such project in Russia and one of the few in the world. The commissioning of the Testbed Energy test site will be an important milestone in the implementation of the Energy Plan action plan, as it will allow testing of real power devices with their inclusion in the digital modeling circuit.
Huawei’s 5G Level Up Curriculum Launched
Huawei has held a series of educational events according to the 5G standard. A training on the 5G Level Up program was held, and the day before.
5G Level Up is a training program initiated by Huawei to form a talent pool in the 5G area. To date, more than 1,500 students, graduate students, teachers and heads of scientific laboratories from the 9 largest technical universities have become its participants. Classes include reviews of existing networks and the requirements for them, studying the principles of building 5G ecosystems and getting acquainted with examples of practical deployment of communications. Based on the results of the training, an online exam on knowledge of 5G basics is passed. The best students of the course are also given the opportunity to undergo extended 5G free training with the subsequent receipt of a certificate from the office of Huawei.
It was also possible to get acquainted with the 5G Level Up program and other Huawei educational projects focused on theoretical and practical training of students and young specialists at the forum. During this event, Hauwei experts addressed the topic of technological changes that have a strong impact not only on the ICT sector, but also on the labor market as a whole, and talked about the internship program and employment opportunities for students and graduates in the company.
In addition, even before the start of the forum, Huawei provided registered participants with access to an online training platform that contains numerous courses on modern promising technologies in telecommunications. 20 students who completed training with the highest results will be awarded certificates of attendance signed by the CEO of Huawei, as well as valuable prizes from the company.
“A few years ago, the transition to 5G seemed a matter of the distant future. Now it is already a reality. To date, our company has signed more than 50 contracts for the deployment of 5G test networks with communication providers around the world and has delivered over 150,000 5G base stations. In the current conditions, the market more than ever needs specialists who are able to work with new technologies and related system solutions. We are glad that so many students, including students from traditionally strong technical universities, see their development in this area and are ready to provide all kinds of assistance to young professionals in their professional growth.
YouTube – 21st Century Television

58% of Russians are users of YouTube. At the same time, the most popular content on YouTube – videos dedicated to music, film and art The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presents data on the Russians using YouTube video hosting.
Digitalization has penetrated closely into the leisure of modern Russians. More and more often, our compatriots spend time on Internet resources and entertainment platforms. More than half of the respondents (58%) are users of YouTube video hosting – a site with videos and various video content. A quarter of Russians use it almost daily – 25%, and every fifth (19%) – several times a week. At least several times a month, YouTube is used by 8% of respondents, at least once every six months – 7%. Every fifth Russian (20%) does not use the service, which is comparable to the share of those who generally do not use the Internet (22%).
Men are more likely to use YouTube (67%), with a third say they use video hosting daily (33%). Also, the percentage of users is higher among younger Russians: 18-24 years old (88%) and 25-34 years old (90%). Among older generations, the use of YouTube is less common, but covers more than half of the audience of those who are from 35 to 44 years old (73%) and from 45 to 59 years old (51%). Among elderly fellow citizens over 60, one in four uses YouTube – 25%.
YouTube is also popular among residents of both capitals (70%) and cities with a population of 500-950 thousand inhabitants (67%). The shares of video hosting users are almost the same among residents of small settlements (100-500 thousand people) and million-plus cities (61% and 60%, respectively), slightly less – among those living in cities with a population of up to 100 thousand (58%). The smallest share using YouTube was recorded among the villagers – 47%, which is more likely due to the fact that due to the geographical extent of our country, there is not always Internet coverage everywhere. In general, among the villagers the highest proportion of those who do not use the Internet (31%).
Why use YouTube?
The Russians, first of all, come to YouTube for video (53%). It is also popular among our fellow citizens to like (13%), subscribe to authors’ channels (12%), share videos with other users (7%), leave comments on the watched video (6%). Only 2% of respondents upload their videos to the service.
A group of Russians using video hosting can be conditionally divided into active and passive users. Passive ones include those who watch videos and subscribe to YouTube channels of various authors, and active ones include those who also perform other additional actions.
Thus, 43% of the YouTube audience can be attributed to the group of passive users, and 14% to active. The highest share of active users is recorded in the age group of 18-24 years (24%). It is slightly lower among 25-34-year-old respondents (20%). Despite a similar involvement in the use of the Internet and the resource itself, this group often takes a more passive position, which may be related to the thematic focus of most of the content and differences in the perception of information between generations. In connection with the spread of “clip consciousness” among young people, it is likely that a survey of minor Russians would show even higher involvement in the use of the resource. In the context of the geographical distribution of active users, their share is higher among residents of million-plus cities (21%) and both capitals (20%).
What is the most popular content?
The most popular content among YouTube users is music videos, films, clips related to culture and art (30%). Humorous videos make up a large share of the consumed content (23%). The Russian interests also include videos related to family, home and parenting (16%), sports or fitness (14%), and social and political life (14%). In the top 10 – videos on technology and technology (13%), travel (13%), education (including language learning) (12%), as well as beauty and health (10%).
Thus, despite the entertaining orientation of video hosting, YouTube attracts Russians who are interested in conditionally “non-entertaining” content – topics of self-development and education, both physical and cognitive.