    Published Date: 10-Sep-2019
Intelligent transport system becomes the basis of the infrastructure of a smart city
EZELINK Office WiFi Solution

The theater begins with a hanger, and the city with public transport. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the convenience of moving around cities and regions, the accessibility of all their corners for both residents and tourists. guest wifi solutions All attempts to solve this problem by traditional methods have failed. Hope only for smart transport.

The topic of smart cities in recent years has become one of the most discussed at all IT events and, perhaps, has surpassed even recent favorites in popularity: big data and blockchain. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the rather futuristic benefits of these technologies fade before the real benefits that the most understandable component of a smart city already brings – SMART Transport. wifi6 wireless solutions

The obvious benefits of smart transport

Residents of cities where an intelligent transport system has been created or some of its elements have been introduced can feel with their own hands and experience the changes in the transport situation in general and in the operation of public transport in particular. Check with a mobile application or look at the scoreboard when the bus you need comes up, choose a convenient payment method and the most favorable fare. Find a free parking space in advance and pay it not only in cash, but also with a card, mobile phone, etc. To see how, after the appearance of cameras on the roads that record violations of the rules of the road, drivers become more accurate and polite. outdoor wifi solutions Can all these clear and obvious benefits go unnoticed?

It is clear that, depending on the scale and financial capabilities of the city or region, an intelligent transport system can be created in it faster or slower. The list of components is also significantly different. However, in any case, the appearance of even individual elements of this system almost immediately makes the city more convenient and attractive not only for its residents, but also for guests wifi solution.

Intelligent Transport System

The implementation of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) hotel wifi solution today is a necessary step in many respects: traffic jams, traffic accidents, public transport and increasing number of people in the city. The advent of the intelligent transport system made it possible to optimize the work of traffic lights, public transport, automatic recording of violations, organize paid parking lots and online monitoring of traffic conditions.

To manage the intelligent transport system, the most modern Situation Center in Europe has been created. In addition, ITS is also communication channels, data transmission system, software and information security system. According to the data center, thanks to the introduction of ITS, the number of deaths in road accidents in the capital over the past 10 years has decreased by 2 times, and the average speed during peak hours, despite the increase in the number of cars, has increased by 16% over the past 7 years.

ITS components

One of the most effective components of an intelligent transportation system is smart cameras. The drivers are already used to the fact that they record speeding and compliance with parking rules. However, the list of their skills is gradually expanding. guest-wifi solutions Not so long ago, cameras that send fines for driving along a designated lane or on the side of the road, lane-by-lane change over a solid line, pedestrians not passing on a zebra, leaving for waffle marking or for a stop line, driving for a red signal traffic light.

In addition, the cameras have already taught to identify drivers who drive without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance and who have not undergone inspection. Another important component is traffic intensity sensors installed on public transport. Together with photo and video recording cameras, they provide an opportunity to get the most complete picture of the traffic situation on the roads – to assess the traffic intensity, speed of cars, identify problem areas and places where accidents most often occur or congestion occurs. And of course, tell passengers when the bus they need comes.

It is clear that the work of all these devices is based on software based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. cloud managed wifi solutions The most common technology that is now used in digital vision is the use of neural networks. At the household level, training in neural networks is similar to human training. Photos with a certain sign are fed to the entrance, the network remembers them and can find them among other images. Cars, trucks, people’s faces – objects can be different. Search, classification, clustering – the range of tasks is multifaceted, but the principle remains same. The more “training” photos, the better the network works. 

One of the most important functions of the state is to ensure the safety of citizens. And here smart transport also comes to the rescue. Constant video surveillance of what is happening at the station, bus station, metro, and also in public transport salons significantly reduces the likelihood that an attacker will be able to freely do his dirty work. Moreover, video cameras are becoming more intelligent and already know how to recognize suspicious faces and emergency situations. Citizens are also gaining more opportunities – they can quickly call the police or ambulance using special emergency call columns or the Passenger-Machinist device.

Data from devices installed on public transport enriched with information about the movement of city residents received from mobile operators or from a single city fare payment system is an invaluable source of information on the basis of which you can plan new transport routes or optimize existing ones. And the social effect of such optimization is hard to overestimate.

WiFi Integration

It is obvious that in developing the concept of creating a smart city, one can not do without such an important component Wireless connectivity. WiFi has become a driving force when it comes to connecting devices, sharing data and exchanging information. A network of physical devices, traffic management, smart traffic lights and the distribution of cars in parking lots and other items that are embedded with electronics, software and connectivity enabling them to connect and share.

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