A cybersecurity solutions provider worldwide has announced the new IoT security technology. Check Point Software Technologies was the first company to offer a consolidated security solution that strengthens and protects the firmware of IoT Guest wifi solutions devices and protects them from advanced attacks. The technology will be integrated into Check Point Infinity architecture through the acquisition of a startup.
Today we see an increase in the use of IoT devices not only among private users, but also among organizations, including medical and industrial enterprises. Vulnerabilities in these devices allow cybercriminals to launch fifth and sixth generation cyber-attacks for hacking (video surveillance cameras), manage their work (medical devices) and even take critical infrastructure (production facilities) under control to cause tremendous damage. Wifi6 wireless solutions Thanks to the new Check Point technology, it will be possible to protect connected devices – from an IP camera and Smart TV to an elevator control controller and a medical infusion pump – from zero-day attacks.
“Our new solution is another step to ensure a high level of cybersecurity on all digital platforms,” The fifth and sixth generations of cyberthreats are aimed at new, widely developing platforms, including IoT devices that require a new level of cyber defense. With the introduction of Check Point Infinity architecture will take control of the risks of the Internet of Things and protect connected devices from new threats without stopping critical operations. ”

More than 50% of companies will master IoT technologies until 2021
According to the results of the new IDC report “Opportunities and Trends in the Internet of Things: An In-depth Analysis of the technology Market”, more than 50% of companies have already implemented or plan to complete projects for implementing solutions using the Internet of Things technologies within 12 months.
According to IDC’s forecast, the average annual growth rate of the Outdoor wifi solutions Internet of Things market from 2018 to the end of 2023 will be 19.7%.
Speaking about the goals of the strategy and investment in the Internet of things, more than a third of respondents report an increase in the level of security in the organization. Almost a third of the respondents included in the list of goals the improvement of product quality, a quarter of the respondents hoped to make more effective and faster decisions through enhanced data collection and analysis. Regarding key performance indicators for projects, the majority of respondents share the view that the deployment of IoT solutions can be considered successful if it improves the organization’s productivity, the quality of customer service, and also helps to reduce costs.
The completed implementations have revealed the importance of integrating solutions based on the Internet of things and the existing IT landscape, the connection of physical infrastructure, information about which is transmitted using the Internet of things technologies, with digital technologies. Analysis of data from the physical world allows you to get new competitive advantages. These factors determined the significant contribution of system integration and consulting services to shaping the volume of the Internet of things market in UAE. Wifi solution
According to IDC, IT and business services took the largest market share, which amounted to about 40%. In second place investments in equipment are server capacities and devices. Most of the projects require additional installation of sensors, sensors to collect missing data information and upgrade computing power to handle the growing amount of data from these devices.
The study examines the UAE Internet of things market in different aspects and gives an idea of its development trends. The report includes information on the priorities and tasks of projects, sources of financing, problems of integration with existing Hotel wifi solution IT infrastructures, security issues, approaches to using the IoT platform, data analysis, peripheral computing and the ecosystem of suppliers.

Revolutionary Security Standards Developed for the Internet of Things
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a safety standardization and certification company, has introduced its standard for IoT devices.
UL recently published its “Internet of Things Security Rating”, which assesses the “critical safety factors of smart products,” which records the presence or absence of known vulnerabilities and device resilience to the most common cyber attack methods.
“Most hacks are the result of weaknesses and known vulnerabilities,” the UL publication says. – As a manufacturer, you should strive to get rid of them and adhere to proven safety methods. Only recently have states taken over the regulation of the security of IoT Guest-wifi solutions devices, but they still believe that the initiative should come from the security industry. ”
“Such measures should have been taken for a long time: the number of connected devices around the world is close to 50 billion, and the situation with their security does not inspire any optimism,” says by CEO of SEC Consult Services. – Because of this, the Internet of things is becoming a source of constant threat to private and corporate users. In 2016, a botnet consisting of IoT devices was used to organize one of the most powerful DDoS attacks in history, but this is only one, the most famous case. Similar attacks, albeit on a smaller scale, are ongoing. Both certification and legislative measures are needed to block unsafe devices from entering the market; but it’s also necessary that both business and end users take the initiative. ”
SEC Consult has developed a special solution for analyzing the security of Internet of things devices – IoT Inspector, which allows analyzing the software shells of such devices for the most common problems – vulnerabilities, embedded passwords, Cloud managed wifi solutions SSH / SSL keys and other factors that affect the security of these systems. In most cases, He points out, the devices are vulnerable precisely because of such errors, as well as the careless attitude of users to their security.
To date, there are no generally accepted standards for the quality and safety of the Internet of things. The abundance of vulnerabilities makes them the most literal risk to cybersecurity at the macro level.
UL is not the first organization to implement a security standard and certify Internet of Things devices before selling. However, UL is one of the most respectable structures involved in such activities, so it has a chance to force yourself to listen.
It is proposed to certify devices in seven categories: updating software components, data and cryptography, logical security, system management, user personal data, security protocols and process, documentation.
Each of these factors corresponds to a set of practical recommendations for ensuring security.
For example, the minimum requirement in the “data and cryptography” category is the absence of a default password. To obtain the maximum certificate, Diamond in the same category must stand up against brute force.
According to Andrew, Director of Safety and Technology at UL, only a small percentage of the devices available on the market today meet the maximum requirements for UL certification, while most of these devices will not pass certification even at the lower threshold.
Back in June 2019, UL published a draft version of its
standards and requirements, but Jamieson admitted that the development of these
standards is actually at an early stage. Now the company is actively
collaborating with manufacturers of IoT devices in the hope of improving the
quality of their developments. At the beginning of 2020, the publication of a
new edition of the standards is expected.
New development will turn electric networks into networks for the Internet of things
The State Corporation brings to market the development for the creation of networks of the industrial Internet of things using power lines. The solution allows you to quickly deploy telecommunications networks in areas where there is no wired, satellite or cellular communications, and carry out simultaneous two-way data transmission.
The solution created by the Research Institute of Communication and Control Systems of the Holding can be used to transmit voice information, video, telemetry and other data, including remote monitoring of objects (for example, energy), recording emergency situations, and organizing video surveillance on power plants, gas pipelines and other energy facilities. The technology will allow to take preventive measures to prevent accidents.
The development is based on the technology of broadband data transmission through power lines (BPL – Broadband over Power Lines). To transmit telecommunication traffic, specialized BPL modems connected to electric networks are used. The equipment operates on power lines with voltage from 0.4 to 35 kV.
For remote industrial facilities, the organization of communication over power lines is the optimal and sometimes the only solution that allows implementing the technology of the industrial Internet of things. Creating data transmission networks based on power lines is much cheaper than laying a fiber-optic communication line, and the cost of equipment is five times lower than that of foreign counterparts. In addition, the solution is simple and quick to implement – it takes only one day to install a point-to-point package. Today, specialists have begun creating pilot zones for testing technology in the interests of oil and gas companies and companies operating in the field of rail electric transport.