To develop 5G, it is necessary to create a Guest wifi solutions unified national network on domestic equipment, it follows from the concept developed by order of the Ministry of Communications. Market participants categorically opposed such an approach.
The Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media (Minkomsvyaz) invited the largest mobile operators – Wifi6 wireless solutions MTS, MegaFon, VimpelCom (Beeline brand) and T2 RTK Holding (Tele2) – to join a consortium to build a unified national mobile network fifth generation communications (5G). This recommendation was prepared by the Radio Research Institute (NIIR), which developed the 5G Concept by order of the Ministry of Outdoor wifi solutions Communications. On Friday, November 30, this document was discussed at a meeting held in the department with representatives of operators (at the level of vice presidents) and the head of the LTE Union, which brings together the Big Four operators. About this RBC told two market participants. The information was confirmed by Oleg Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communications. “A constructive dialogue took place.
RBC analyzed the concept prepared by NIIR (conclusions from it were confirmed by several market participants) to figure out how it is supposed to develop 5G and what alternatives are there.
1. What will 5G give users?
After the introduction of 5G, users will receive services based on holograms and multimedia with the effect of presence, virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things (Internet of Things, IoT), tactile Internet. Among the most popular at the first stage Wifi solution , simultaneous translation from a foreign language, a “smart” home, and control of drones are mentioned.
New networks will be able to pass more information at greater speed. The speed towards the subscriber will be 10 Gbit / s, from the subscriber to the base station – 5 Gbit / s. This is 10-100 times higher than in existing networks. At the same time, up to 100 million subscriber devices per 1 sq. km The battery life of devices with low power consumption, such as IoT sensors, will increase to ten years.
2. What is a consortium for?
The total costs of the Big Four Hotel wifi solution operators for the deployment of 5G networks in Moscow by 2024, as noted in the concept, may amount to 41 billion rubles. with predominantly independent construction of networks, 29 billion rubles. – when using part of the infrastructure together and 19 billion rubles. – with the development of a unified national network. In cities with a million-plus population, we will talk about 163 billion rubles., 114 billion rubles. and 72 billion rubles. respectively.
Based on this, it is proposed to consider the scenario for creating a unified national network as the basis for the development of 5G in Russia. Operators will need to develop a legal form for the implementation of this scenario and create a consortium. He will be the holder of frequencies, will carry out activities for their conversion (the transfer of funds operating at these frequencies to other ranges so that Cloud managed wifi solutions can be launched). At the same time, the consortium will have to provide operators with access to the frequency resource for the construction of 5G networks “on a pre-agreed fair and non-discriminatory basis.”
3. On what principles and basis will the network work?
When providing critical services in 5G networks, such as telemedicine or unmanned vehicles, their quality must meet certain parameters, the document says. When providing 5G services, it is necessary to abandon the principle of network neutrality, which implies equal access speed to all services. “5G communication is based on managing the parameters of Internet traffic, including prioritizing subscribers and critical communications traffic, a large number of services that will be tied to 5G networks require the establishment of different priorities and the speed of access to resources,” NIIR experts say.
Now the law does not allow, but does not prohibit, operators from setting priority for individual subscribers, but the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council spoke out against the abolition of the principle of network neutrality.
On the instructions of the Ministry of Communications, NIIR was to conduct an analysis of the information security of the 5G network, based on the use of Russian cryptographic algorithms and hardware, subscriber and network equipment, as well as software. NIIR indicated that the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry have time to develop the production of domestic industrial products for 5G. “The existing competencies, experience, scientific and technical, technological groundwork of Russian enterprises allows us to produce industrial products for 5G networks that are competitive with foreign products,” the document says.